Placental Imaging and Computational Modelling Satellite Meeting

Monday 4th September 2023

Thanks to the generous support of the Royal Society Te Apārangi Catalyst Fund, we are delighted to announce that we will be hosting a full day satellite meeting focussed on how advances in imaging (both ex vivo and in vivo) and computational modelling are being combined to improve our understanding of placental function in pregnancy, identify novel ways to predict and/or detect at risk babies, and better enable clinical translation of novel therapeutic strategies.

This is a rapidly accelerating and interdisciplinary area, and this satellite meeting aims to bring together speakers and attendees with a range of expertise in the field. Each session will be followed with time for a panel discussion of all speakers, to allow us to probe deeper into both novel advances and remaining challenges, fostering an environment of collegial discussion and collaboration.

The Placental Imaging and Computational Modelling Satellite will be held off-site from the main conference venue at Te Puia located in Te Whakarewarewa Geothermal Valley on the edge of Rotorua, and home to the world famous Pōhutu geyser, mud pools, hot springs and silica formations. It is also home to the New Zealand Māori Arts and Crafts Institute (NZMACI), where you can see artists at work undertaking traditional Māori carving and weaving.

Attendance at this satellite meeting is free of charge, but is limited to 70 attendees. Registration is being managed separately to that of the main IFPA meeting. Please click here to register.

For any queries about this satellite meeting please contact A/Prof. Jo James on

Please find the PDF programme here

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If you have any queries about the meeting arrangements, please don’t hesitate to contact us on: 
Telephone (Int): +64 360 1240 
Freephone (within Aus):1800 193 405 
Postal Address: PO Box 90 040 Auckland, 1142 New Zealand 

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